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Everything you need to know
to use

PageMill Guide PGS

the interactive learning system
for Adobe PageMill

Who can use PageMill Guide PGS?

If you plan or already use Adobe PageMill then this learning system is for you. It will teach you how to use PageMill step-by-step using the real life "hands on" approach. PGS stands for Personal Guide Systems, hopefully a whole series of shareware learning systems, or rather "guide" systems, built around Apple's innovative Apple Guide technology. It's almost like having a real "guide" or teacher coaching you through your learning progress.

This learning application is especially meant for those Macintosh users who have no previous experience in writing content for the web, but would love to. Since we're from the Desktop Publishing world, one of the Mac's real strongholds, we envision DTP and graphics professionals as the most likely audience to profit from this guide. Also web masters and Internet Service Providers with a Mac audience could profit from it, since they could simply give it to their customers and say: Here! Off you go! If you know such folks, please pass it on to them! You may copy it as much as you like, as long as you copy the complete PageMill Guide PGS Installer including this document.

What you need to use this Guide!

Your Mac needs to be equipped with at least with these:
Of course, you need PageMill, if you want to make use of the active assistance built into the guide. The first few sections of the guide, however, can be viewed by anyone who has the following extension installed:

Apple's Apple Guide system extension, and System 7.5 or higher. If you use a Macintosh system above 7.0 but below 7.5, you need an extra system extension: 7.0/7.1 Apple Guide Enabler. If you don't have Apple Guide at all or the 7.0/7.1 Apple Guide Enabler, it's available for download from Apple Computer, Inc. Please note that the download will make you bound to Apple's license of use.

To enjoy several features of the Guide you need AppleScript, another Apple system extension. We have also included a movie in this online version of our Guide. You need the QuickTime extension to see it. Please keep the movie and the guide in the same folder, otherwise the movie won't play. We have only included one movie in this first release for an obvious reason: size! However, if you like to have more movies, then please let us know!

Apple Guide troubleshooting tip: Please note that we use some graphics in our guides, so Apple Guide could run out of memory at certain points, which could result in strange color effects on the Apple Guide panel. Also, the combination of Apple Guide and AppleScript plus a system full of other extensions can produce crashes on some machines. To really enjoy our guide we suggest that you deactivate extensions you don't need.

A nice feature: PageMill Guide PGS is not an ordinary Apple Guide. It is an application, that means you simply double-click the Guide to start it. However, after that it will not show up in the application menu, since it's part of Apple Guide, which in turn is part of the system. Therefore, you can place the PageMill Guide PGS application wherever you like on your hard disk, since it's not like an ordinary Apple Guide which would have to reside in the folder as the program associated with.

How to register!

This Guide is distributed as shareware. There is no time limit to its use. However, if you want to receive the sequel Advanced PageMill PGS to this learning system, plus a task-oriented reference guide to PageMill, you need to register it. The registration fee is US Dollars 20 for a single user licence. Registering is easy! Simply double-click the enclosed Register PGS application, and send off your registration information to Kagi Shareware, either by email, fax or snail mail. If you want to come into the benefit of receiving the Advanced PageMill PGS guide immediately, send a mail to us.

A note to users in Switzerland and Germany: If you like you can register directly with us. Please contact us for details, also for the availability of a German version. Our email address is:, or check out our web site for more details.

We plan to create several guides for many aspects of the Web. If you like the idea of having a "guide" sitting by your side - on your desktop actually -, and would like to see future guides on the Web and Web design or other subjects (e.g. we plan a learning application for Java Script),then please support us by registering this copy. It will provide us with the funds, and therefore the freedom to continue designing such guides.

What you get when you register

Check out our separate document for details on PageMill Guide PGS by selecting the button below:

What is PGS? What are the people behind it?

PGS, short for Personal Guide Systems, is a service of SQE Services Ltd. in Zurich, Switzerland, a tiny but hopefully innovative Mac consulting company. The author of this application is Andreas Feuz, while the main "critic" and co-worker is his colleague Gregor Rothfuss.

Thanks to Flo for beta testing and Apple for bringing out Apple Guide, and everyone on the staff at guideWorks, LLC. They really breathe life into this - in our view - very promising Apple technology.

Version History

New panel images, which take up less size and hopefully look nicer. All Register reminders (somewhat nagging :-)) have been erased, instead a button "Not Registered" has been added. Anyone who feels like registering this package can click that button and launch the Register application. Also improved the documentation, and changed the creator type to Netscape, so Netscape Navigator get's launched when the first document in this folder is opened.

First public release. Fixed a small bug in the "Welcome to PGS"sequence.

First release, but never made it to the Net.

General terms (including disclaimer)

The software in this package "PageMill Guide PGS Installer"and related documentation are provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind. SQE Services Ltd, Zurich/Switzerland, the owner of this software, explicitly disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Under no circumstances shall SQE Services Ltd. be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use or inability to use the software or related documentation, even if SQE Services Ltd. or one of its agents has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Commercial distribution of this software is not permitted without written consent of SQE Services Ltd. We are more than happy to allow you to distribute our software, but you must first have a license to do so. Contact SQE Services Ltd. for details on obtaining a license. Email: We herewith exclusively grant the permission to include this complete software package PageMill Guide PGS in the following two shareware and freeware CD-ROM products: AMUG (Arizona Macintosh User Group) BBS in a box and InfoMac CD-ROM by Wayzata Inc. The Apple Guide technology is property of Apple Computer, Inc., Cupertino, USA. Macintosh is a registered trademark, Mac is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., in Cupertino, USA. Other terms mentioned like PageMill and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective trademark holders.
© 1996 by SQE Services Ltd., Zurich/Switzerland.
All rights reserved. Last updated: March 24, 1996